Investing in the future

We are a new kind of online bank, a bank who believes that banking is not about making money. For us it’s about doing the right thing. We do the right thing by only investing your money in ways to create a sustainable future for us all. Wondering how? Check out our SDG Impact Framework.

Our goal is to redirect cashflows to existing solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to create a sustainable society. We all need to align and work together to preserve people and planet. Therefore we aim to become the best bank of 2023. This is your chance to contribute.

Asset 1

Sustainable Investing

Invest in solving problems for people and planet.

Asset 2

SDG Impact Framework

Our solutions for a sustainable society.

Asset 3

Biggest Challenge

Prevent total shortage of drinkable water in 2025.

The future of


Our passion to solve all SDGs and create a sustainable future for us all.
This passion is the core of our business model and it's what distinguishes us from other banks.

Asset 4

The Sustainable Development Goals are the core of our business model. We choose not to work with formulated financial profit targets, instead are driven with actually solve the problem. Making high profits is not our goal.

Asset 5

We start by using existing solutions, then we combine them with other ideas and let people work together. The next step is to scale the solution to the region it fits and continue this proces until we reached all regions.

Asset 6

We take into account all Sustainable Development Goals, this ensures that we have an overview. This overview is necessary because the SDGs are interlinked and there is an overlay in solutions.

Banking with IMPACT
for OUR Generation


Are you an entrepreneur that's working at a company that aligns with our mission? Tell us more.

Interested in investing? Contact us here.

Do you or does your organization want to sponsor our work or partner up? Let's talk.

Get in touch with us directly at

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